If you’re serious about joining a POWERFUL MOVEMENT
And making a profound impact around the globe...

Watch The Video Below And Then Apply To Be Considered

For Coaches, Digital Creators, Consultants, Influencers, Mentors, Youtubers, Podcasters, TikTokers, Authors, Speakers, Bloggers, and for Women who desire to make a massive impact around the globe!



Become a Certified Influencer Mentor!

The only certification program that not only teaches you how to become an Influencer
but also provides the stage and platform to Inspire and Impact Millions as a Mentor! 

Ready to Make This Your Best Year Yet?!

Why should you want to join our movement?


The reach
of our TV


The amount of 
sales our clients
have achieved


Followers in our
Social Media


The Number of Woman Owned Businesses we
have served in
29 different countries!

We've helped to create...

What could that kind of EXPOSURE do for you? 
What kind of IMPACT could you have on the world? 

We've created a program that takes results to a whole different level!


There is no program out there that ensures
your success like this one! 

There's a reason why we get thousands of applications and do hundreds of interviews every open enrollment.

Become an Influencer Mentor for the Largest Growing Network for Soulful Ambitious Women on Social Media!
Crowned for Success and Bossladies Mindset!

   become an Influencer mentor and  

Make A Profound Impact On Lives Across The Globe!

Are YOU our next Millionaire Influencer Mentor?

  • ​You have a message that the world needs to hear. You have wisdom, experience, a story that could change someone else's life. 
  • ​You love everything Bossladies, women supporting women, womens movements. You stand with women and have a strong desire to see every woman succeed. 
  • You are always giving friends and family advice on love, life, health and relationships.
  • Perhaps you're a stay at home Mom that is looking for a way to supplement your income while spending the precious time you have with your children.
  • ​You are in Multi-Level Marketing such as ItWorks, Herbalife, Avon, Mary Kay, etc… but haven’t quite seen the results they promised or that you hoped for when first joining. (NO this opportunity is not an MLM). 
  • You're a Coach, Consultant, Influencer,You're a Coach, Consultant, Influencer, Creator, Youtuber, Tik Toker, Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Blogger, with a story to tell and an impact to make. You are ready to build an audience to share it with.
  • ​Maybe you feel stuck in a job that pays well but your heart still desires so much more.
  • ​Perhaps you feel like your spirit is internally dying, sitting in a cubicle day after day because you don't have location freedom to work from wherever your heart desires.
  • ​Or maybe you are an entrepreneur with crazy ambition but you just don't have all the tools needed to grow your business and you're ready to invest in yourself to get them.
  • ​Or perhaps you're just allergic AF to working the 9 to 5 grind.  
If You've Been Dreaming About Building A Business That Gives You Location Freedom 
And Financial Freedom All While Making An Impact Then

 this opportunity is for YOU!


The Most Inspirational Video for Women Ever
- How to Have Motivation and Never Give Up

 Regardless to which one describes you or your circumstances, one thing that remains true is that

You Are Infinitely Powerful Beyond 
Your Wildest Imagination!

 And THAT is who you really are!
Hi Queen,

My name is Wendy Porter and I am the Soul Sass and CEO behind Crowned for Success and Bossladies Mindset. 

And we are the fastest growing network for soulful ambitious boss ladies on social media @crowned4success, @bossladiesmindset, @thegirlgangconfidential, @girlbossempires @strongwomenarebeautiful and @rvpqueens. 

I started this company 6 years ago with the intention of sharing its success with other like minded women. 

I was trying to think of a way that I could create an opportunity for women to short cut their
success while gaining more visibility for their brands all while doing what they love, with an unwavering support system, a sisterhood, a place to call home.  

So I found a way to give women the tools and resources they need to create wealth, abundance, confidence, and incredible connections with other women. 

That Is Why I Have Created The Influencer Mentor Program And That Is How And Why These Opportunities Came To Fruition.

It is my deep desire… to see every woman succeed and become wealthy beyond her wildest imagination Because money in the hands of women has a ripple affect on the world. We change lives, communities and ourselves for the betterment of the planet and for the highest good of mankind. 

If this feels aligned and speaks to your soul, I encourage you to apply. Trust that you found this page and you are reading this because you were meant to make a big bold move. There are no accidents. 


Wendy Aimee Porter 

Get Visible...

If you’re serious about joining a Powerful Movement
and joining us as Influencer mentor

Claim Your Spot in our Exclusive Queendom Now by Applying TODAY!

What you can expect as an Influencer Mentor:


This OPPORTUNITY was created for women who want to be part of 
a sisterhood and change the world! 

Grow Your Audience...

We have 4 Different Levels Available...

This opportunity includes
all of the following...

  • 3 months of training directly from our CEO and Vice President who has built a multi million dollar coaching business and brand.
  • To see what specific training is included go to the WHAT YOU WILL LEARN section below...
  • In depth Mindset Training.
  • Exclusive Facebook Group
  • Opportunity to sell our coaching services and earn 20% commissions (optional).
  • ​One story takeover per month (valued at $1500) yours FREE.
  • ​a beautiful Crowning Ceremony upon graduation (virtual)
  • ​Financial freedom and independence
  • ​Flexibility
  • ​Work/Life balance
  • ​Work from home
  • ​And the reward of helping to expand a kick-ass women’s movement! (priceless)

This opportunity includes
all of the following...

  • 6 months of training directly from our CEO and Vice President who has built a multi million dollar coaching business and brand.
  • Exclusive Facebook Group
  • Opportunity to sell our coaching services and earn 20% commissions (optional).
  • Sales and Marketing training directly from the CEO Wendy Aimee Porter
  • Promo your business with one story takeover per month plus one REEL every other month on our pages ($6000 value, yours free)
  • ​a beautiful Crowning Ceremony upon graduation (virtual)
  • ​Financial freedom and independence
  • ​Flexibility
  • ​Work/Life balance
  • ​Work from home
  • ​And the reward of helping to expand a kick-ass women’s movement! (priceless)

This opportunity includes
all of the following...

  • 12 months of training directly from our CEO and Vice President who has built a multi million dollar coaching business and brand.
  • Blog for our site.
  • Have your own TV Show on our #Bossladiesmindset channel (90 networks worldwide. $5000 value, yours free)
  • Host your own show on our #Bossladiesmindset Podcast.
  • IG TV and Reels
  • Become a Public Speaker and speak at our next women's empowerment event ($10,000 value, yours free)
  • ​Become a published author (opportunity to co-write 1 book per year with us. $2000 value, yours free)
  • Exclusive Facebook Group
  • Opportunity to sell our coaching services and earn 20% commissions (optional).
  • ​Opportunity to become a Certified Life Coach and get first consideration when we open enrollment.
  • Sales and Marketing training directly from the CEO Wendy Aimee Porter
  • 2 yearly retreats (virtual or in person...based on COVID restrictions)
  • Professional photo shoot ($2000 value, yours free) - *only available during in person retreat
  • ​Access to all Masterclasses and Challenges all year. (Excluding the 30k in 30 days challenge)
  • Promo your business with one story takeover per month on our pages ($6000 value, yours free)
  • ​a beautiful Crowning Ceremony upon graduation (virtual)
  • ​Financial freedom and independence
  • ​Flexibility
  • ​Work/Life balance
  • ​Work from home
  • ​And the reward of helping to expand a kick-ass women’s movement! (priceless)

This opportunity includes
all of the following...

  • 12 months of training directly from our CEO and Vice President who has built a multi million dollar coaching business and brand.
  • Unlimited One on one coaching with Wendy via Voxer Mon-Friday plus a one on one quarterly weekend retreat (virtual or in person.)
  • Have your own TV Show on our #Bossladiesmindset channel (90 networks worldwide. $5000 value, yours free)
  • Host your own show on our #Bossladiesmindset Podcast.
  • IG TV, and Reels
  • Become a Public Speaker and speak at our next women's empowerment event ($10,000 value, yours free)
  • ​Become a published author (opportunity to co-write 1 book per year with us. $2000 value, yours free)
  • Exclusive Facebook Group
  • Opportunity to sell our coaching services and earn 20% commissions (optional).
  • ​Opportunity to become a Certified Life Coach and get first consideration when we open enrollment.
  • Sales and Marketing training directly from the CEO Wendy Aimee Porter
  • 2 yearly retreats (virtual or in person...based on COVID restrictions)
  • Professional photo shoot ($2000 value, yours free) *only available during in person retreat
  • ​Access to all Masterclasses and Challenges all year. (Excluding the 30k in 30 days challenge)
  • Be interviewed on our Podcast by our CEO, ($5000 value, yours free)
  • Promo your business with one story takeover per month plus one REEL per month on our pages ($12,000 value, yours free) 
  • ​a beautiful Crowning Ceremony upon graduation (virtual)
  • ​Financial freedom and independence
  • ​Flexibility and work/life balance
  • BLOG for our site
  • ​Work from home
  • ​And the reward of helping to expand a kick-ass women’s movement! (priceless)


Influencer VIP level... Add VIP extra support to any level and get 7 days a month of one on one Coaching via Voxer directly with Wendy 

I will personally train and work directly with you to achieve success in selling our services should you wish to become an affiliate. 

What You Will Learn:

Millionaire Mindset and Manifesting - available to all levels

Overcome fear or self sabotage thats holding you back from reaching your highest potential. 

Build your confidence to new heights so that going live is a piece of cake!

Step into the magic and power you forgot you possess. Your feminine energy. 

Learn how to effectively achieve and master your goals in a timely manner.

Stop procrastination in it's track and take action in achieving your goals.

Learn visualization and manifesting techniques to quantum leap your goals and finances. 

Sisterhood - all levels

A place to call home where you are surrounded by like minded women who are just as ambitious and powerful as you are.

 A place for accountability, friendship, support, and inspiration. 

Women thrive in COLLABORATION

We make a Bigger Impact on the globe … TOGETHER

Finding Your Passion and Narrowing Your Niche - all levels

Together we work to help you discover a clear understanding of what our life’s purpose and what your passion is…we dig deep and look within.

You will narrow down your passions to 1-2 things at a time and get laser focused

Discovering your passion helps you to narrow down your niche and attract your dream clients and audience.

Super Star Branding - All levels

Branding is much more than font, colors and logos.

We teach you how to infuse your personality into your brand because that's really where the magic happens! 

Powerhouse Collaborations - Queen and Empress Levels Only

Learn how to collaborate with superstar influencers, big name coaches, world wide brands, and celebrities

We teach you how to collaborate so you can grow and reach a worldwide audience! 

Crafting Your Story - All levels

I will teach you how to find your Why, your uniqueness, how to craft your message, how to monetize your message, and how to inspire people across the globe. 

Content Creation - Queen and Empress Levels only

Learn how to create content that entertains, educates and sells.

Learn my Top Secret T.I.M.E.S. Strategy that makes it easy for you to create content and posting strategies that has gotten me over 1.5 million followers! 

Monetize Your Influence (Sales & Marketing) - Queen and Empress levels only

I’ll teach you how to do sales and marketing and I'm sharing all my strategies that my clients have uses to bring in more than 50 Million dollars in sales 
I will show you how to get brand sponsorships, free travel and free products and how to pitch to big brands.

I'll share my secrets that has gotten me collaborations with big brands and people I admire like Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Gary V, Marianne Williamson, Boss Babe, Fashion Nova just to name a few! 

Become A Social Media Sensation - Queen and Empress only

You will learn how to...

- Become an Instagram Pro
- Instagram Features
- Instagram Growth Strategies 
- Facebook
- Facebook Pages 
- Facebook Groups 
- YouTube 
- Tik Tok 
- Clubhouse 

Podcast - Empress level only

Learn how to launch, grow, and take your business to the next level by crystallizing your messaging and perfecting your personal brand to create powerful podcast content that attracts fans and followers.

Influence the conversation and establish yourself as an influencer mentor in your industry to gain clients, opportunities, and visibility by having your own podcast with Bossladies Mindset and Crowned for Success!

Learn to tell your story through content that attracts engagement and creates loyal fans and followers.

Photo, Videos And Lives Oh My - Queen and Empress Levels only

We’ll show you all the basics to create targeted, engaging photo and video content that you can do yourself. Learn how to stand out from the crowd and attract your ideal audience. 

You will be able to showcase your content on our platforms and get yourself visible!

Host Meetups - Empress Level Only

We empower women to become the BOSS of their business and brand by hosting local meetups sponsored by us! 

We host monthly events for women to connect and collaborate with likeminded women entrepreneurs across the globe.

Speaking Events - Empress Level Only

Every woman has a story in her to become a speaker. Speaking supports business and career success by connecting you with potential partners, clients, media and fans!

Visibility = Opportunity! 

By connecting our speakers and female subject matter experts to these opportunities, we encourage and provide you with opportunities to build your personal brand, grow your businesses supercharge your visibility and credibility as a subject matter expert.

Affiliate Marketing - All levels

We show you the most effective ways to approach affiliate marketing that, when done correctly, can be the most hands-off way to generate revenue. We teach you to learn to align your affiliate sales strategy to your social media strategy and “sell with soul”….

And the best part? We provide you your own affiliate marketing internal links where you can earn 20% commissions!

Go Viral...


It's time to shine baby!!!

Get trained on all our platforms and start creating your shows! Choose which platforms you want to use to get your message out to the world!! It's time to get visible! 

TV Show streaming on a 90+ networks worldwide 

Our YouTube Channel 

Our Podcast 

Our Clubhouse 

Our Tok Tok 

Our IG TV and Reels 

Our Facebook Group

Write for our Blog 

Write a Book with us (one book per year).

Be a Speaker at our next event. 

Host meet ups for us in your city!

Bottom line...

There is NO program out there like this!

There is no program that not only gives you 12 months of in depth training AND also offers you an internal opportunity to share our stage and platforms to help you get visible and grow your audience all while making a shit ton of money doing what you were called to do! 

Hear What These Queens
Had to Say...


Proffit Passion ACADEMY

Become an Iconic Influencer Mentor...

Important Information!!

Spots are EXTREMELY LIMITED in order to provide
the best training. 

WE WILL ONLY BE accepting applications FOR a limited time*

If you are ready to join a sisterhood and create a business
and life you love fill out an application below to get started!

IMPORTANT NOTE: there is a monetary, mindset and time investment for those individuals that are selected.
I believe in investing in women who invest in themselves. Full details will be communicated to you upon selection.
*If we are unable to get you into the upcoming training due to an overwhelming response,
 you will be placed on our wait list for the next open enrollment.   

So you think you would be 
a perfect fit?

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Additionally, This site is not endorsed by Facebook™ or Instagram™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.        
DISCLAIMER: Results shown on this page may vary. It takes real dedication to get results like this. We don’t believe in get rich quick schemes or overnight success. You acknowledge that we have not and do not make any representations as to the health physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or health benefits, future income, expenses, sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your participation in this Program, Product, Services or Program Materials. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial or otherwise, through the use of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of the information provided or obtained through any of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results. 
If you have any questions or need further information,
please email us at: contact@crownedforsuccess.com
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